We're back for another fortnight at The Pen... Again it's been hectic; We took a step in the right direction to minimise our environmental footprint with new garment bags, product tested new garms for our summer releases, had 2 new photoshoots for our scarf and explorers series, got a whole new racking system and of course there's the usual dogs, skating and just hanging out.
To start the week off bright and early on Monday morning we had the bags delivered. They're made out of corn & 100% biodegradable.

Alex giving the bags a once over, I know I haven't showed the actual bag... But I guess you'll just have to buy something and find out... it's a win win really?

Alex has also spent the last 6 months refining our T-Shirt blocks, to be a boxier more generous fit. We're very happy with the outcome.

We're also in the middle of sampling our latest shorts for the summer.

Jasper lets the pins loose

Later on in the week we had J1m - an artists and friend of ours, come in to shoot the new Reversible Scarfs.

Orders of course must be sent...

And boxes must get unloaded... Quick.

Jasp re-shoeing after being in the studio photographing.

Kobe decides its not worth it...

Something is of course always cooking...

To start off the new week we had the new racking system dropped off, taking our total height to 3m from 2.4m...

To install the new racking, Warehouse Manager AJ had to pull all the boxes off to make make space for the new racks.

Apparently this is what Aj's dreams are like.


Happy AJ!

On Tuesday we Shot our 7 piece Explorers Series, on Yuta. Catch him in the next episode of IPTV.

Tré continued to be a greedy guts...

Christian is the Master of the AC on these brisk July mornings. Apparently it doesn't reach him even though he sits directly under it...

Some previous designs that Christian has done.